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Rapid Transformational Therapy®

Transform. Reimagine. Thrive.

Want to change?

Do you want to know how to reduce stress and anxiety and need help with overthinking?

Are you stuck and don't know how to build self confidence and your self esteem?

Do you feel you’re in the ‘wrong’ job/ relationship/career/[you fill in the gap ….] and need help to understand why you have low confidence

Do you feel your anxiety or lack of confidence will never change

Do you have physical and/or emotional pain that you just can't resolve?

Are you lacking self-belief and/or constantly in a cycle of  self-sabotage behaviour?

Do you procrastinate, and as hard as you try you just can't seem to get started on doing exercise/setting up your business/achieving your goals ...[again, you fill in the gap ….]?

Does the thought of continuing to feel the same way, maybe feeling low and a lack of self belief, feel like something you were born with?

Rewire your beliefs

Just pause for a moment - if you carry on as you are now, doing the things you’ve always done, the way you’ve always done them, feeling the way you do now  - what would your life look like one year from now? Two years from now? Ten years from now?  Does that fill you with dread? What will happen if you don’t try and ‘fix’ whatever’s holding you back?

There's good news!

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) empowers you and sets you free from your issues by reframing old beliefs and rewiring new beliefs via hypnotherapy. 

Imagine actually living the life you dream of, being and acting in a way that feels true to yourself.


It’s in your gift to initiate change and that’s where I can help.

Holding a bunch of flowers in arms

Find freedom with Firefly Wellness

Why Firefly? I believe to find wellness, whether that's physical or emotional, it all starts with the mind.  What you think, feel and believe affects you every day.  So rewiring positive beliefs can have a positive effect in all areas of your life, helping you get your spark back.


 Here's some of the many ways RTT® can help transform you and move you towards the version of yourself you were always meant to be, and the life you want to live.

Cropped Firefly Wellness Star logo

Find life alignment

Increase confidence,

self-esteem, stop procrastinating and/or overcome

imposter syndrome.

Cropped Firefly Wellness Star logo

Be a

Improve public speaking, be a courageous entrepreneur or credible leader, to achieving superior sports performance.

Cropped Firefly Wellness Star logo

Live a liberated life

Break free from addictions or bad habits and eliminate self-sabotage, reduce stress and anxiety.

Woman Relaxing in Nature

Since my RTT session I feel a lot more confident. … by the 3rd week I honestly don’t recognise myself.  In terms of money blocks, I feel a lot more relaxed about money and am not constantly worrying about how I am going to pay my bills. Since my RTT session some unexpected financial opportunities have come my way. I trust that the universe has my back and all will be ok in terms of my finances which is something I never felt before. Val is very easy to talk to. I felt very relaxed.


Michelle, Dubai

Topic deep dive

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Book a FREE Discovery Call

 You're on the brink of changing your life now.

RTT® can help with a range of issues and you can change your life in just a few sessions! From low confidence, lack of self belief, through to self sabotage and procrastination - it's all buried within the subconscious mind. 


Investing in therapy is an invaluable commitment to yourself, to overcome (sometimes life-long) challenges and live a life free from negative thoughts and behaviors, or physical and emotional issues .

​Consider - what is the cost of inaction? Staying the same? RTT® has transformative potential, so why not make a vital investment in your wellbeing and future happiness. 

​​Are you ready to make a change?

Schedule your service

30 minutes

Check out our availability and book the date and time that works for you


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