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How does RTT® hypnotherapy work?

RTT® operates on neuroscience principles, delivering swift and potent results by accessing the subconscious mind through hypnosis. By engaging with alpha brain waves, akin to those during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep or meditative states, RTT® facilitates neural pathway rewiring to replace outdated belief systems and negative behaviours.


Can I get “stuck” in hypnosis?

No, throughout hypnosis, you retain full control. You can move, speak, or open your eyes as desired. If a session disconnects, you may drift into sleep momentarily, but you'll naturally reawaken.


What does it feel like to be hypnotised?

Hypnotic experiences vary; some feel weightless or meditative, while others might sense drowsiness. However, most describe a profound sense of relaxation and tranquillity. It's important to note that the sensation doesn't determine the therapy's effectiveness.


What if I think I already know the reasons behind my issue?

RTT® offers fresh perspectives, allowing individuals to perceive known issues differently, leading to profound shifts in beliefs and behaviours.  What makes RTT® such a special type of therapy, is that it roots out old and unhelpful beliefs, and rewires new more positive ones.


What if I go back to anything that is painful or scary?

While revisiting traumatic scenes is a part of the process, it's essential to remember that you're in a safe environment, merely reviewing past experiences and you do not relive them. I am by your side to support you and to navigate any emotional responses.


When will I start to see changes?

RTT® effects can manifest immediately, gradually over time, or even retrospectively. The pace and nature of change vary for each individual.  You will change as a result of RTT®.


Why is RTT® more expensive than traditional hypnotherapy?

RTT®  stands out for its unique approach, requiring fewer sessions compared to traditional hypnotherapy due to RTT®’s intensive and targeted methodology.  RTT® targets the root cause of your issue, and then literally rewires and embeds a new set of beliefs.


Why is RTT® more expensive than traditional hypnotherapy?

RTT®  stands out for its unique approach, requiring fewer sessions compared to traditional hypnotherapy due to RTT®’s intensive and targeted methodology.  RTT® targets the root cause of your issue, and then literally rewires and embeds a new set of beliefs.


Do you offer additional support upon completion of RTT®?

After your RTT® session, I will check in with you after 24 hours and then after 21 days (which is the length of time required for you to listen to your own personalised transformation recording, which helps to embed new beliefs).  as it takes to additional support like mindfulness coaching is provided to integrate new beliefs and cultivate lasting behavioural changes.


How do I know RTT® will work for me and my situation?

My free 30 minute consultation calls will allow for in-depth discussions about your individual circumstances, and help you identify and discuss  your specific needs and goals.

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